What it’s like being 81

What it’s like being 81

We can’t imagine what it’s like being significantly older. When I started this column a decade ago, I promised to tell readers my experience with aging. Here’s what it’s like for me today. I completely retired nine months ago. When I wrote about the challenge of finding myself anew, some thought I was pulling their legs. G’wan, they’d say. Retirement’s a breeze. But several non-life threatening health issues were waiting in the wings for their...

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Obamacare in perspective

Obamacare in perspective

Obamacare is the ugly bastard offspring of an unloving Congress, conceived amid a vicious cycle of domination and one-upmanship. Obamacare’s gestation was hampered by Republican’s repeated attempts to abort it, without first denying that health care reform was needed or presenting an alternative for it. Since its chaotic birth, they’ve repeatedly tried smothering and starving it. If Obamacare survives, it will be a godsend. Millions who are...

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