The Government We Deserve

We’re frustrated and angry with government. At only 43% job approval rating, President Obama leads the ‘popularity’ pack. Democrats, whose approval rate is 32%, come in second. Only 19% of voters approve of the job Republicans are doing. And Congress, charged with working together to preserve our way of life, comes in dead last, with an approval rating of 15%. Our dissatisfaction mirrors the message in a 1920s cartoon where a railroad switchman...

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Fixing Social Security

According to a recent report, after 2033 payroll taxes will pay only three quarters of scheduled social security benefits.  Reserves set aside over the past 80 years will be gone. Social security provides at least 75% of the total household income for two thirds of retirees. Imagine what it would be like for most retirees to be living in poverty. Policy and congressional elites in Washington are talking about two ‘fixes:’ Increasing the age of...

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